Background Models

The course in our game is a cartoon beaver run sawmill in the middle of a forest, so I created a few low poly models that could be scattered around - a simple cabin, three funky pine trees, chicken-wire fences, and grass.

Cabin Model

Cabin Model UVs

Cabin Model - Textured and Untextured

20 Faces Total

Tree Models

Left to Right

Tree A, B and C UVs

All Tree Models - Textured and Untextured

Left to Right:

180 Faces for Tree A

386 Faces for Tree B

94 Faces for Tree C

Fence Model

Fence Post and Wire UVs

Fence Model - Textured and Untextured

31 Faces Total

Grass Model

Grass Model UVs

All models made in Blender, textured in Substance Painter, and rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.

Grass Model - Textured and Untextured

228 Faces Total