Coral Models

Model Status: Finished

The coral models were the first models I finished, and the simplest. In our game, when the player fishes it cuts to an overhead view of the ocean with the fish you can catch swimming around. The coral was designed to be simple and bright - not too distracting but enough to make the ocean feel full of life.

Tube Coral Model

Tube Coral UVs

Tube Coral Model - Untextured and Textured

1,171 Faces Total

Table Coral Model

Table Coral UVs

Table Coral Model - Textured and Untextured

1,761 Faces Total

Brain Coral Model

High Poly Model compared to Low Poly Model

Brain Coral Model - Textured and Untextured

2,064 Faces Total

Spider Enemy UVs

Tube Coral and Table Coral made in Blender, textured in Substance Painter, rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.

Brain Coral made in ZBrush and Maya, textured in Substance Painter, rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.