Lightning Level Models

The lightning level was designed to be the obstacle course challenge. We decided on a steampunk theme for the level - spinning platforming gears you have to jump on, a tesla coil that shoots lightning you have to dodge, and a small, hard-to-hit spider enemy that you had to avoid.

Gear Platform Model

Separate Gear Sections - Untextured

Left to Right:

204 Faces for Pole Model

2998 Faces for Silver Gear Models

5614 Faces for Small Copper Gear Models

684 Faces for Large Copper Gear Model

Gear Platform Model - Untextured and Textured

9500 Faces Total

Gear Platform UVs

Tesla Coil Model

Separate Gear Sections - Untextured

Left to Right:

405 Faces for Body Model

9648 Faces for Silver Top Model

3904 Faces for Copper Coil Model

1752 Faces for Extra Box Models

Tesla Coil Model - Textured and Untextured

15,709 Faces Total

Tesla Coil UVs

Spider Enemy Model

Separate Spider Sections - Untextured

320 Faces for Bulb Model

36,336 Faces for Gear Models

2864 Faces for Body Model

440 Faces for Filament Model

584 Faces for Eye Models

1224 Faces for Leg Models

Spider Enemy Walk Animation

Spider Enemy Model - Textured and Untextured

41,768 Faces Total

Spider Enemy UVs

All models made in Maya, textured in Substance Painter, rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.

Spider Model animated in Blender.